Ver/kleiden – Ent/hüllen. Überlegungen zu Kunst, Körper und Raum


  • Maike Christadler



Maike Christadler

Dressing (up) – (Dis)robing: Reflections on Art, the Body, and Space

This issue inquires into the dialectical relationship between body and covering, between art and fashion, between staging and practice. It builds on FKW No. 17 (1994), in which a complicity between fashion and deconstruction was noted that negates the notion of the “naturalness” of gender roles. Now, the discourses surrounding the body and the manipulative power of images are the focus of interest: Fashion and art are read as media that make cultural practices visible; that revolve around the authenticity and fictionality of the (female) body.

With self-referential strategies of an over-the-top artificiality, the authors of the issue demonstrate how fashion and art are conceived of as cultural practices that continually refer to one another and, in their overlapping and interweaving, create meaning.


