Virtuosität zwischen Dienstbarkeit und Exodus. Postfordistische Öffentlichkeit, soziale Produktion und politisches Handeln


  • Isabell Lorey



Isabell Lorey

Virtuosity between Servility and Exodus. The Postfordist Public, Social Production, and Political Action

In what fundamental ways is the present relationship between the public, work, and intellect changing – the Aristotelian three-way partition of social praxis, which figures mainly in the work of Hanna Arendt? What is the function of the creative work in these postfordist transformations? On this question, Pablo Virno has delivered inspiring deliberations with his concept of virtuosity. But he has not extended his inquiry into a current postfordian and governmental idea of freedom. Not only in the example of contribution of culture producers does to the precariousness of their own existence does this freedom mean obedience and servility. But how can one escape this servile virtuosity? And how would political action become conceivable?


