Bildlektüren und Migrationen
The reading of images and migration
The article is an extract taken from the larger essay “Analyzing the Migration of People and Images: Perspectives and Methods in the Field of Visual Culture”, which was written within the context of the EU-funded interdisciplinary project “Research Integration. Changing Knowledges and Disciplinary Boundaries through Integrated Methods in the Social Sciences and Humanities” (2004-2007). The complete text discusses methods of art history (from iconology to semiology) and their productivity concerning the analysis of visual culture as a field that is structured by debates on visibility, by power and hegemony. The extract published here argues against the phantasm of a universal comprehensibility of images that re-occured through the claiming of a pictorial turn in the mid-1990s. In focusing various scenarios of migration – the photograph of the one-millionth Gastarbeiter in Germany, 1964, or the “full boat” as central metaphor of contemporary European discourses on migration –, it analyzes the pre-conditions of “correct” reading on the one hand and the functioning of a culturally determined image repertoire on the other. The complete text can be downloaded here:
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Die Abbildungen in Ihrem Beitrag
Die Autor_innen verpflichten sich, die Abdruckgenehmigung für die in ihren Texten verwendeten Bilder bei der jeweiligen, die Bildrechte verwaltenden Institution einzuholen und die zuständige Herausgeberin über das Ergebnis zu informieren. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die Verwendung von Bildern in wissenschaftlichen Texten gewöhnlich als Zitat angesehen und entsprechend kostenfrei gewährt wird.